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Shifts document:
Unit development.doc (Unit template)
common core 2011 checklist.doc (a checklist to assist you when you are planning lessons and units)
Common Core Lesson Plan sheet-2.doc (lesson plan template)
Common Core Digital Resources:
Social studies standards 1.pdf
Lexile Level Information
Academic Vocabulary
Graphic Organizers-
DEDOE- writing KUD's: (Scroll to the bottom of the page)
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Common Core Documents and Videos
ELA and Math Intro Videos
ELA Shift Videos
Math Shift Videos
Useful Links
Common Core Documents
Common Core By Grade Level
Teacher to Teacher Documents for All Grades
Primary Source and Informational Text Websites
Pre-K Teacher to Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher to Teacher
First Grade Teacher to Teacher
Second Grade Teacher to Teacher
Third Grade Teacher to Teacher
4th Grade Teacher to Teacher
5th Grade Teacher to Teacher
6th Grade Teacher to Teacher
7th and 8th Teacher to Teacher
9th - 12th Grade Teacher to Teacher
Social Studies Teacher to Teacher
Science Teacher to Teacher
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